Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Yup. That's right. Me. Pregnant. And, I'm................................


I got my BFP last Monday (the 20th) and I had my first ob appointment this Monday (the 27th). I am soo sooo soooo excited!

Did I say that already?

My EDD is 8/28/11 but, since it will be a scheduled c-sec he/she will be born on 8/14-15.

Life is good. Life is perfect.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


That's right, me who isn't "trying' TTC, I POAS this morning. I have AF symptoms already but, I couldn't resist. I have been slacking on my diet & exercise since around CD14 just in case and now that I know BFN I'll get back into it. I'm not really disappointed. We're going through a rough patch right now. I think it has a lot to do with our financial issues. So, that's all I've got.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm alive

So , where should I start???

I'm on cd18 I think. I'm not expecting to be pregnant this month. We've been bd'ing a lot lately but just because we feel like it. I'm not even sure I'm ready for a baby NOW. I want another one but, when it's time it will happen.

We are in the hole big time & that's got us both stressed. I've gotta get us out of the mess we're in.

I'm gonna make me & monkey a big ass breakfast then I've got to clean the house up. I need to go to Aquilla to feed the horses too.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Wednesday, that's all I got...

I love my husband, I love my kids, & I love my life. But, I miss my husband. I've been really needy lately. I just want to "be" with him and have him hold me. Today I'm feeling lonely because he'll be home later than usual & since he's doing stuff with his guys I can't call him every 15 minutes so that i can tell him to hurry home. Oh well. I'll see him later. Right now I've got to get my butt up & working! I've got a lot of stuff to do around the house. And, I wish I could sell a few storm shelters too. I better go wish on a star............................

Friday, September 24, 2010


Honestly, I don't know what day it is in my cycle, I have a new "non-plan".

On Monday I went out and bought evening primrose oil and vitex. I was determined to get pregnant this month. Then, I read several blogs and forums with terrible, heartbreaking stories. Some of the people don't have 1 child, much less 2. My heart hurt for them. That's when I opened my eyes. I did take a dose of each on Monday but, no more. At least not anytime soon. If 6 months from now I'm still not pregnant that might change, or maybe it won't. Who knows.

I have 2 healthy, beautiful kids made with love. Naturally. Even after 5 years of TTC my daughter, many visits to the doctor, bbt charts, and several rounds of provera & clomid...... it happened naturally. We gave up; it got to be too hard for us each month (not only financially but emotionally) & we conceived her. With my son, I didn't think I could get pregnant again so we just let it be. He was conceived within 30 days of stopping birth control. So, why force my body into doing something it might not be ready to do. That just doesn't seem right. And, obviously it seems like when it happens is when we don't try. I'm afraid that if I force it I'd be opening myself up to a tragedy. I've already been through one & I can't go through another one. I also don't want to go back to where we were before, with temperature charts & ovulation tests. I think that might be where we've gone wrong in the past. Conceiving a child should be about love. Especially at this point of our life. If it were our first I would go through anything (that I could afford) but, I've got 2. One of each.

So........ I want to make love with my husband. Because I love him so much, not because of cervical mucus. If we make a baby I want to look at him/her and think, we love each other so much that you came to be. If we don't get pregnant I will still have my 2 kids and I will still be happily married to my love. That won't change. I will be busy with our many plans for the future and I will be happy. I do want another child but, if it isn't meant to be I am fine with that. Because I have a great life. That's what matters. Fertility/infertility won't change me or my marriage, I won't let it. I've been there done that & I'm not going there again. I won't strain my marriage when I have two beautiful reasons to live, to make my marriage better and stronger each day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Yesterday was an awful day. I felt miserable. I ate all day, nothing but junk food and chocolate. All. Day. Long. Which of coarse made feel guilty/more miserable, my face is an oily mess, and I had no energy but today..........


And gosh darn it I'm gonna make it a good one!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A visit from my Aunt

Aunt Flow arrived on Sunday! 20 days after removal and 3 days early according to my calculations. I'm just glad I am at the start of a new cycle. I'll work on my diet and exercise for the next couple of weeks. I'll do it religiously until I get a positive ovulation test.

Friday, September 17, 2010

About Me

I live in Texas, I'm 29 (OMG!) years old, I have 2 beautiful kids. My daughter is 7 and my son will soon be 4. I've been married to the most amazing man for 13 years. We got married very young, he was 18 and I was almost 16. I love him and our children with all of my being. I had Mirena in since January of '07 and I had it removed on 8/31/10. Over the past year I lost 50 pounds! That made me very regular, 30 day cycles. I didn't test for ovulation this month but, I will definitely do it next month, unless I get my BFP that is!! I'm currently on cd 23, no symptoms really. I'm sleepy and tired but, that could just be my mind playing tricks on me. I'm obsessing over possible symptoms but, I know that's the complete opposite of what I should be doing. More later.........